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Long Distance Cycling::Avoiding Saddle Sores

Recheck your bike fit. I talked to someone from the Colorado Sports Medicine Center about a persistent sore at the top of my left leg. She measured both my femurs and found my left femur is slightly longer than my right. This means that as I peddle, my left knee sticks out more than my right causing rubbing on my left side. She suggested that, short of cutting out a piece of my femur bone, I get a 1 mm thick insert for my left shoe, made out of neolite. This would fool my left leg into pushing back slightly and be even with my right knee. I went to a shoe repair store and had a 1.5 mm insert made (thinnest thickness the guy could make) and my persistent sore went away, and I don't wiggle around on my bike seat so much (hopefully saving a bit of energy).
Wear new or new-ish shorts on long rides. Use those comfy stretched shorts from 2 years ago on short rides; the chamois can break down and rub on older shorts.
Get shorts without seams in the chamois. Patagonia women's pursuit bike shorts don't have a seam. They are about $69. Patagonia's number is 800 336-9090. Cannondale often has shorts with one piece chamois, especially the ones they make for racing teams.
Smear Vaseline or Bag Balm on your tender parts. You can get Bag Balm at a pharmacy or by mail order . It's supposed to be for cow udders, and has some antiseptic in it. A nurse who did BMB with me suggests fortifying Bag Balm, and I found this works even better than Bag Balm alone:
4 parts Bag Balm
2 parts lotrimin (monostat, a yeast infection cream)
1 part hydrocortisone (such as cream for poison ivy that lists 1% cortisone to stop swelling).
Mix with spoon.

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